Export Teamcenter attribute mapping

A user with system administrator privileges can obtain an export of Teamcenter attribute mapping using the export_attr_mappings command and arguments.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window by choosing Start→Programs→Accessories→Command Prompt.

  2. Set your iman_root environment variable equal to the installation location of your Teamcenter client.


    C:\>set iman_root=c:\Program Files\UGS\Teamcenter\Express\V3

  3. Set your iman_data environment variable equal to the location of your Teamcenter data.


    C:\>set iman_data=\\myserver\ugs\tcdata\


    This example assumes a 4-tier Teamcenter connection.

  4. Change directories to the installation location of your Teamcenter client.


    C:\>cd %iman_root%

  5. Change directories to the \bin directory.


    C:\Program Files\UGS\Teamcenter\Express\V3>cd \bin

  6. Run %iman_data%\iman_profilevars.


    C:\Program Files\UGS\Teamcenter\Express\V3\bin>%iman_data%\iman_profilevars

  7. Export the Teamcenter attribute mappings using the export_attr_mappings command and arguments.


    C:\Program Files\UGS\Teamcenter\Express\V3\bin>export_attr_mappings -file=c:\temp\attr.txt -u=myuserid -p=mypassword -g=mygroup

    The arguments used are:

    • -file=the mapping file being created locally

    • -u=userid for your Teamcenter database

    • -p=password for your Teamcenter database

    • -g=Teamcenter group

    The output of attribute mappings is created in the file you specified. Include this file when creating a diagnostics package to send to product support for assistance.

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