SEEC diagnostics

Solid Edge Embedded Client diagnostics enables you to easily create a collection of information regarding your Solid Edge Embedded Client configuration. The application is delivered with Solid Edge Embedded Client and collects client information such as software location, database connection, cache information, registry details, and log files into one location to share with product support in the event assistance is needed.

To run the diagnostics application, from the Start menu, choose Programs→ Solid Edge ST6→SEEC→Diagnostic Application. The SEEC Diagnostics dialog box displays. Your current Teamcenter connection configuration information is shown, you only need to provide a location for the output of the scan. Once the scan is run, read-only output from the scan appears in the Detail portion of the SEEC Diagnostics dialog box. If multiple versions of an application are installed, the scan reports the details for each version.

Workflow for performing a scan
  1. Start the SEEC Diagnostic application.

    The connection type, 2-tier or 4-tier, defaults to the database you last worked with.

  2. Supply either your TC_ROOT and TC_DATA information for a 2-tier configuration or your server's URL for a 4-tier configuration.

  3. Define the diagnostic package folder location that will hold the files created by the scan.

  4. Start the scan and log into Teamcenter when prompted.


    You should exit Solid Edge, Structure Editor, and Add to Teamcenter prior to running the scan.

  5. When the scan completes, close the application.

The SEECDiagnostic log file

One log file generated by the diagnostics scan is SEECDiagnostic_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, MM is the minute, and SS is the second the scan was started. Types of information the SEECDiagnostic log file can include are:

The SEECDiagnostic log file and other output generated by the scan is stored in a folder in the diagnostic package location you define. The data in the diagnostic package folder should be zipped along with an export of your Teamcenter attribute mapping and sent to product support for analysis in the event assistance is needed.

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