SEEC Diagnostics dialog box


Accepts client configuration information input.


Indicates the Solid Edge Embedded application and Enterprise tier (Teamcenter business logic) are installed locally on the client.


Displays the location of the Teamcenter installation on the local machine.


Displays the location of Teamcenter data. Teamcenter data may be located on a remote system.


Displays the Teamcenter version for the application.


Indicates only the Solid Edge Embedded application runs on the workstation. The Enterprise tier, database, volume, and other resource tier components are executed on the server.


Displays the URL of the Teamcenter server.

Diagnostic Package Location

Defines the location for the diagnostic application to store the files created by the scan.


Displays information retrieved during the scan. This portion of the dialog box is read-only.


Displays the value of the FMS_HOME environment variable. If the environment variable is not defined, Not Set is displayed.


Displays the value of the JRE_HOME environment variable. If the environment variable is not defined, Not Set is displayed.


Displays the value of the JAVA_HOME environment variable. If the environment variable is not defined, Not Set is displayed.


Displays the value of the UGII_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. If the environment variable is not defined, Not Set is displayed.


Displays the value of the UGS_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. If the environment variable is not defined, Not Set is displayed.

Solid Edge Installation Location

Displays the installation location of the latest version of Solid Edge. If the computer has both V20 and V19 installed, the location for the V20 installation displays.

SEEC Cache Location

Displays the folder defined in Solid Edge Options→File Locations for the SEEC Cache.

SEEC Log File Location

Displays the folder defined in Solid Edge Options→File Locations for your log files.

Solid Edge Version

Displays the version of the latest release of Solid Edge installed on the machine.


Denotes the configuration of the latest release of Solid Edge found on the machine.

SEEC Version

Displays the version of the latest release of Solid Edge Embedded Client installed on the machine.


Denotes the configuration of the latest release of Solid Edge Embedded Client found on the machine.

Multiple Versions found

Indicates more than one version of Solid Edge is found on the machine when the check box is selected.

Legacy cache folders

Indicates the presence of legacy cache data when the check box is selected.


Starts the scan of the local system and generates the SEECDiagnostic log file.


Closes the application.

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