Basic Window Operations

Solid Edge windows are of two general kinds: the windows that contain Solid Edge part, assembly, sheet metal, and draft documents, and the docking windows that contain functions and tools you use to modify your model and draft documents.

Document windows

Commands on the View tab→Window group create and arrange new document windows, enabling you to see more than one section of a document or more than one document. You can minimize open windows and display them as icons in the application work space.

Docking windows

Docking windows can be added to or grouped with other windows, or they can be moved so that they float alone. When a docking window is dropped into a suitable container window, the tools of the dropped window are added to the container window, and the icon representing the newly dropped window is displayed in the tab set.

Examples of docking windows include PromptBar, command bar, and PathFinder, as well as each tabbed page within the PathFinder container window.

Each docking window has its own set of on-demand controls, which you can use to auto-hide, resize, collapse vertically or horizontally, and close the window. There is also a set of globally available docking stickers, which you can use to precisely reposition docking windows. These are displayed only when you are moving a docking window.

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