Upload to YouTube dialog box


You must create a YouTube account before you can upload a video. If you have an existing account, you can log in to that account. The account is managed by YouTube.

Sign in

Launches the Google Sign In page. If you do not have a Google account, click the Sign Up button.

Allow access

Solid Edge requests permission to manage your YouTube account. Clicking No Thanks denies the Sign In process. Clicking Allow access returns you to the Upload to YouTube dialog box.

Keep me logged in

Stores your YouTube login credentials.

Select Video for Upload

File name

Displays the file name of the selected video. This is a required field.


Browse for a video to upload.


Plays the selected video to confirm the correct video for upload.

Video Information

Names, describes, and assigns attribute tags to the video to upload.


Displays the title of the uploaded video.


Title is a required field to upload a video.


Displays a description of the video so that users know what it is about before playing it.


Applies category attributes to the video. All tags selected and added are displayed in the current tags box.


Select a category tag from the drop list.

Add Tag

Adds a category to the current tags box.

Copy YouTube URL to clipboard

Copies the URL of your video to the clipboard so it can be pasted in the browser and viewed on YouTube, or sent in an email.


Sets one of the following privacy attributes for the uploaded video.

  • Public (anyone can search and view)

  • Public (only specific YouTube users can view)

  • Unlisted (can only be accessed by direct link)

Content uploaded to YouTube will be viewable to other users. Do not upload any content that you do not want displayed by the public.

In order to upload videos to YouTube, the user must check this box.


Starts uploading the video.


All videos uploaded to YouTube from Solid Edge have the ‘Science and Technology’ Video category.

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