The Automatic Centerlines command now supports assembly drawing views and slot features.
You can:
Retrieve centerlines and center marks on slots.
Specify the types of annotations to display on slots using the new slot options in the Centerline and Center Mark Options dialog box:
Center lines
Punch point marks
End point center marks
Center-of-arc projection lines
Retrieve and place centerlines and center marks automatically on assembly drawing views. Previously, assembly drawing views were not supported.
Arc centerlines also are supported when adding centerlines manually using the Centerline command. The new Arc option on the Centerline command bar specifies a centerline type.
For more information, see, Place a centerline on a slot.
Dimension commands now can be used to add intelligent dimensions to slots. To reference this information, select the Feature Callout option from the Type list on the dimension command bar.
Previously, this option on the Type list was named Hole Callout.
You now can add dimensions that measure the radius, diameter, arc length, and arc angle to the center of the arc in a curved slot.
The Callout command now can be used to retrieve slot information from the model.
You can:
Place a slot callout and extract the model information when you select Feature Callout from the Type list on the Callout command bar.
Previously, this option was named Hole Callout.
Predefine the slot information that you want to retrieve into the callout using the Dimension Style dialog box, and modify the callout information using the Callout Properties dialog box.
Use the same property text codes for simple slots and counterbore slots as you do for holes to extract the size and depth information into a drawing callout. In addition, two new property text codes are available to extract slot length:
%PH (Path Length) , which is the sum of the lengths in the slot sketch.
%SH (Overall Length) , which is the same as the path length for slots with flat ends, plus the slot width for slots with arc ends.
For a tabular listing of all available property text codes and the type of information they reference, see Property text codes.
In the Dimension Style and Callout Properties dialog boxes, tabs which were previously named Hole Callout have been renamed Feature Callout to support slots and similar model features.
On the Feature Callout tab, two new property text boxes reference slot type:
On the Smart Depth tab, two new property text boxes reference slot depth:
Finite depth