Solid Dna Team Administrateur du forum
Membre depuis le: 27 Juin 2010 Sujets : 0 Messages : 2
Commentaire ajouté ce : 2011-07-13 10:20:50
Depending of the process and what need to be achieve,
1- if synch tools are use, from ST3 save the file as step or Parasolid, then open it in ST2
2- JT file can also be use to communicate between platform
3- Under st2 there is the possibility to use feature recognizer
For draft file, ST3 introduce a tool to populate draft information to a 3D file. From there the 2D file can be recreate.
There is also the possibility to use DWG/DXF to communicate between release. Those extension can be associate to Solid Edge, making those file almost transparent to SE user. Simply save as DWG/DXF from SE