Add a jog to a tab

In the ordered environment, you can use the Jog command to construct jogs.

In the synchronous environment, you can use the Select tool or the Jog command to construct jogs. Both workflows are explained in this topic.

Construct a jog in the ordered environment
  1. Choose Home tab→Sheet Metal group→Jog.

  2. Define the profile plane.

  3. Draw a profile or copy a profile into the profile window. The profile must be a single linear element.

  4. Choose Home tab→Close group→Close Sketch.

  5. Click to define the side you want to jog.

  6. Click to define the extent of the jog.

  7. Finish the feature.

Construct a jog in the synchronous environment with the Select tool
  1. Choose Home tab→Select group→Select .

  2. Select the sketch element to create the jog.

  3. Choose Home tab→Sheet Metal group→Jog .

  4. Click the side of the sketch element to move.

  5. Click to place the jog or type an extent value for the jog.

Construct a jog in the synchronous environment with the Jog command
  1. Choose Home tab→Sheet Metal group→Jog .

  2. Select the sketch element to create the jog.

  3. Click the side of the sketch element to move.

  4. Click to place the jog or type an extent value for the jog.

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