Broken-Out section view command bar

Select Source View Step

Specifies the drawing view on which you want to draw the profile. You cannot use a broken view, detail view, or section view as a source view for a broken-out section view.

Profile Step

Defines the profile for the broken-out section. The profile must be closed and can consist of any 2D elements, such as lines, arcs, and B-spline curves.

Depth Step

Specifies the extent depth for the broken-out section. You can define the extent depth using two methods. You can type a value in the Depth box, or you can position the cursor over a drawing view that is folded 90 degrees from the source view and use the cursor to define the extent depth.

The depth you specify is measured from the face on which the profile is drawn in the Profile Step.

Select Target View Step

Specifies the drawing view on which you want to apply the broken-out section. You can apply the broken-out portion to the drawing view on which you drew the profile, or you can select another drawing view. The broken-out section is applied perpendicular to the plane of the source view.

Extent Step Options


Specifies the extent depth. You can type a value or define the depth using the cursor.


Sets the distance value to increase or decrease in set increments when you move the cursor. For example, typing a step value of 0.25 and moving the cursor away from the "from" point on the profile face would increment the distance from 0.25 to 0.5, then to 0.75, and so forth.

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