Create a broken-out section view

  1. Choose the Home tab→Drawing Views group→Broken-Out command .

  2. On the drawing sheet, click a principal view to be used as the source view to define the section profile.

  3. Draw a closed profile that defines the area you want to break out.

  4. When you are finished drawing the closed profile, click the Close Broken-Out Section button on the ribbon.

  5. Set the extent or depth of the section by doing either of the following:

    • Option 1--Position the cursor over a drawing view that is folded 90 degrees from the source view for the profile. As you move the cursor across the geometry, you see two parallel lines connected by a perpendicular line that sizes dynamically as the cursor is moved. One parallel line is fixed to a from point on the face where you drew the profile. Move the cursor until the parallel lines are the desired distance apart and click. This is the depth of the cut.


      • To see the precise distance, look at the Depth text box on the command bar.

      • To control the increments by which the distance increases as you move the cursor, enter a value in the Step box on the command bar.

    • Option 2--Type a value in the Depth text box on the command bar.

      The section depth is measured from the face on which you drew the profile.

  6. Select the drawing view you want to break out. You can select the drawing view on which the profile is drawn, or another drawing view.

    The broken-out section is applied perpendicular to the plane on which the profile is drawn.


  • After you select the drawing view to be broken out, the drawing view is processed, and the profile is hidden.

  • To modify the profile of a broken-out section view later, set the Show Broken-Out Section View Profiles option on the General tab in the Drawing View Properties dialog box, then select the broken-out section view profile.

  • When you edit a broken-out section view profile or change the extent depth, you need to update the drawing view using the Update Views command.

  • You cannot use a broken view, detail view, or section view as a source view for a broken-out section view.

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