Simplify drawing view geometry with a clipping plane

A back clipping plane removes clutter in an orthographic or pictorial drawing view by trimming away all geometry behind the plane. The location of the back clipping plane is defined initially by the drawing view display depth, which you can key in or click to specify.

  1. (Select the View to Clip) On the drawing sheet, right-click the drawing view from which you want to remove geometry, then click Set Drawing View Display Depth on its shortcut menu.

  2. (Specify the Location of the Clipping Plane) When prompted, "Click to set the distance or key in a value," use one of these options to set the depth of the back clipping plane, depending upon whether the view you selected is an orthographic or pictorial view:

    Option 1--Specify Display Depth Dynamically

    If you selected an orthographic drawing view in Step 1, you can click to define the drawing view display depth. Position the mouse cursor over a different drawing view that is orthogonal to the view you are modifying. As you move the cursor across the geometry, you see two parallel lines connected by a perpendicular line, whose length changes as the mouse is moved. The line fixed at the edge of the view represents the "top" of the view being modified. The parallel line that moves with the mouse cursor represents the dynamic location of the back clipping plane. The perpendicular line between these lines represents the display depth. This value is shown in the Depth text box on the command bar, and it changes as you move the mouse.

    Move the mouse until the back clipping plane is at the desired distance from the line fixed at the "top" edge of the drawing view and click. To see the precise distance, look at the Depth text box on the command bar. To control the increments by which the distance increases or decreases as you move the mouse cursor, enter a value in the Step box on the command bar.

    If you selected a pictorial drawing view in Step 1, the dynamic line tool described above is not available to you. Instead, type a value as described in Option 2.

    Option 2--Type a Display Depth Value

    For both pictorial and orthographic drawing views, you can type a value in the Depth text box on the command bar and press ENTER. The display depth is measured from the "top" of the model in the selected drawing view to the location where you want the back clipping plane to be placed.

  3. (Update the Drawing View) To see the results, click Update View on the modified drawing view's shortcut menu, or click the Update Views command.


  • The back clipping plane is parallel to the plane of the drawing view and extends across the entire drawing view. Once created, its position is fixed relative to the 3D model origin.

  • To apply a back clipping plane to a dependent detail view, you must first set the display depth on its source view, then update both views.

  • For an independent detail view and its source view, you can apply back clipping planes at different depths.

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