Multi-body Publish dialog box

Body column

Lists the design bodies found in the multi-body file.

Status column

Displays a status icon for each published file. Each of the status icons are described in the Manage published files help topic.

Filename column

Lists the published files folder location or URL, and file name.

Files managed by Solid Edge SP and Teamcenter do not display a path. The files are generated in the cache. Interaction with the Product Data Management (PDM) system determines the file names.

Create Assembly

Creates an assembly once the design bodies are published.

Set Path

Sets the file path on a first time publish and also when you perform a recreate.


This option is not available in a Solid Edge SP or Teamcenter managed environment.


Opens a published file when you right-click it and choose Open.


Renames a published file when you right-click it and choose Rename.


Recreates a published file that is lost when you right-click it and choose Recreate. In the status column of the published file, a question mark denotes that a linked file cannot be found. Clicking the Save Files button publishes the file again and a linked symbol denotes link established.


Finds a moved published file when you right-click it and choose Find.

Save Files

Publishes and saves the files.

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