Perform a Solid Edge file analysis

  1. If your Solid Edge files contain custom properties, define those properties prior to running the Analyze Files program. See the Help file Define custom properties prior to analysis for instructions.

  2. Choose Start→Programs→Solid Edge ST6→Data Preparation→Analyze.

  3. Select the data management application for which you are preparing your data:

    • Teamcenter

    • Solid Edge SP

    • Unmanaged or Insight

  4. Select whether the files to be analyzed are located in a file output from a dry run of Add to Teamcenter, or in a specified system folder.

    Use this option

    To do this

    Analyze output from Add To Teamcenter Dry Run

    Identify the location of either the brokenlinks.xml file or the ordered or unordered CSV file containing the list of files for analysis.

    Analyze files from specified folder

    Identify the location of the system folder containing the files for analysis.

  5. Use the Browse button associated with your selection to locate the file or folder specified in the previous step.

  6. Refine the analysis by selecting additional, appropriate check boxes.

    You can choose from these options to define the criteria for your analysis:

    • Perform Broken Links Analysis

    • Crawl Links To Build Complete List Of Solid Edge Files To Be Imported


      This option is only available if you select the option to specify a folder containing Solid Edge files.

  7. In the Report File box, define a location for the report file generated as output of the analysis.


    The report file generated is AnalysisOfSolidEdgefiles.txt.

  8. Click OK to start the analysis.

    The length of time required for processing depends on the number of files analyzed. When processing is finished, the Reports section of the Analyze Files dialog box updates and displays the statistics of the files analyzed.

    An Excel document is displayed in a separate window. The Analysis Report lists the files you analyzed.

  9. (Optional) To display the report in a separate text file, in the Analyze Files dialog box, in the Select Report Log Files To View area, click one of the reporting option buttons.

    In addition to displaying the results of the analysis in the dialog box, the results are saved to disk in the location you define in the Report File portion of the dialog box. You can click View Report Text File to view the contents of the file on disk.

  10. Save the Analysis Report to a name other than datapreputilitiestemplate.xlsm.


    The commands for making changes to your Solid Edge files are dependent on macros. If you close and reopen the spreadsheet, macros may be disabled due to your Microsoft Office security settings. Discuss your security policy with your system administrator before making changes to your security settings.

  11. In the Analyze Files dialog box, click Cancel to close the program.

  12. To fix problems identified in the analysis, use the tools in the Analysis Report to apply corrections to the files listed.

    Examples of the type of corrections you might need to apply are: changing the Project ID, changing revisions, or renaming existing unmanaged files. See the Help document Rename files using the Analyze data preparation utility for instructions on renaming files.


  • If broken links were identified in the file analysis, use the Link Fix-Up program to repair them. This program modifies the files directly. To learn how to do this, see Fixing Links for Solid Edge Files.

  • To modify the unmanaged Solid Edge files with the changes you specified in the Excel document, run the Modify program.

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