Analysis Report

The Analysis Report displays the results of data analysis in the spreadsheet area of the Analysis Template. The Analysis Report utilizes the commands at the top of the spreadsheet for correcting or confirming data prior to importing into a managed environment.

You can use the Analysis Report to:

The commands for manipulating your Solid Edge files are dependent on macros being enabled. If you notice the warning,

Macros may be disabled due to your Microsoft Office security settings.


Discuss your security policy with your system administrator before making changes to your security settings.

The Analysis Report user interface has the functionality of Microsoft Office 2007. A horizontal, tabbed command ribbon makes all commands visible and accessible. On each tab, functions are organized by group to help you locate them.

The tabs containing commands you will use most frequently to define or correct property data prior to importing your documents into the managed environment are:

SE Data Prep

Mark Previous Revisions

Searches the files listed as a result of the analysis and finds the latest revision of the files based on the document number. All revisions prior to the latest revision are marked for deletion with an X in the Delete column.

Remove Custom Properties

Removes the specified custom properties from the documents listed in the spreadsheet.

Delete Marked

Scans the Delete column of the spreadsheet for those marked with an X. When processed, these files are immediately deleted from disk.


Deleting files from disk can create broken links. Use care when marking files for deletion.

Remove Timestamp

Deletes the timestamp from each listed file so the same data can be imported more than once into the database.

In Solid Edge SP, the command clears the values from the Solid Edge SP_ImportTime column.

Set File Status

Immediately resets the Solid Edge status property of selected files to Available.

Get SE Version

Searches the files listed and locates the latest saved version.

Set Write Access

Sets the files with Write access.

Set Read Only Access

Sets the files with Read Only access.

Split Filename

Searches for a delimiter defined in the ribbon and divides the file name into two portions. Data to the left of the delimiter is used in the Document Number property definition. Data to the right of the delimiter is used in the Revision property definition.

Copy Filename to Doc Num

Copies the existing file name of a document without its extension to the Document Number property. As a result, once the data is imported into Teamcenter, the file name is used for the Item ID.

Copy Filename to Project

Copies the existing file name of a document without its extension to the Project name property. As a result, once the data is imported into Teamcenter, the file name is used for the Item Name.

Copy Doc Num to Filename

Copies existing document numbers to new file names. Existing data is not modified.

For Solid Edge SP, the new file name is based on the contents of the Document Number and Revision columns of the spreadsheet. The formula for the new file name is <Document Number>_<Revision>.<Extension>. For example, if the document number is 001, the revision is A, and the existing file name is 123.par, the new file name is 001_A.par. If either of the Document Number or Revision columns is empty, no new file name is generated.

Append DFT to Doc Num

Appends -DFT to the existing document number for draft files only.

Increment Doc Num

Increments the existing document number with the prefix and starting value you specify.

Parse Filename

Sorts the data by the value you specify. You supply the Start and To information along with the Column where you want the results displayed.


The value for the column is the numerical value as counted left to right on the spreadsheet.

Append Doc Num

Adds the string you specify to either the beginning or end of the document number.

String in Filename

Finds files with the string you specify, and then places another string you specify in the column you specify.


Standard parts usually have something unique in the file name. This function can be used to add the word Standard in the Teamcenter Item Type column for that file.

Multiple 3D

Finds Draft (.dft) documents with links to multiple 3D Solid Edge documents.

From Linked 3D

Populates Draft (.dft) document numbers from the linked 3D Solid Edge document.

In Solid Edge SP, the command obtains the following information from the linked 3D file and copies it into the draft’s respective columns:

  • Document Number

  • Revision

  • Part Content Type

  • Part Revision Content Type

  • Solid Edge SP-StatusNr

  • Solid Edge SP URL

From Linked Draft

Populates 3D document numbers from the Draft (.dft) document with the same file name.

In Solid Edge SP, the command obtains the following information from the draft file and copies it into the 3D file’s respective columns:

  • Document Number

  • Revision

  • Part Content Type

  • Part Revision Content Type

  • Solid Edge SP-StatusNr

  • Solid Edge SP URL

Solid Edge SP Content Type

Checks for entries in the Part Content Type, Revision Content Type, and Content Type columns of the spreadsheet, and compares the entries with the values in the table in the Content Types-Solid Edge SP worksheet. Discrepancies are denoted by coloring the cell of the spreadsheet red, and adding an error message to the delete column noting an invalid content type.

If the cells of the spreadsheet are empty, the content type is assigned from the Content Types-Solid Edge SP table and it is noted that a content type has been assigned.

Solid Edge SP Invalid Characters

Creates a new file name by replacing invalid characters in an existing file name with the default replacement character dash (-). The replacement value can be changed when you are presented the Replace Invalid Characters dialog box.

Generate Solid Edge SP URL

Generates the relative Solid Edge SP URL and replaces the local path with the given URL. Set this URL to upload the document to the Solid Edge SP location during Add to Solid Edge SP.

SE Final Check

Remove Cell Background Color

Removes the color coding of cells in the spreadsheet. This command should be performed prior to rechecking for duplicates in the document number and file name.

Compute Longest

Calculates the total character length of each column and reports it for evaluation.


There is no logic applied to compare the values reported to the maximum character limit of fields within Teamcenter. You must manually verify the maximum character limit which varies depending on the version of Teamcenter you are running.

In Solid Edge SP, if the total character length for Document Number + Revision + file extension is more than 128 characters, a message displays in the Delete column to indicate you have exceeded the maximum character length.


Evaluates modified data to ensure the property information is correct and contains no duplicate data prior to importing into Teamcenter. Duplicate file names are shown in red, and duplicate document numbers are shown in yellow.

In Solid Edge SP, the command checks the following columns for duplicates:

  • Filename

  • Document Number and Revision

  • Solid Edge SP-StatusNr

  • Solid Edge SP URL

If duplicates are found, the cell is colored red and a message indicates Duplicate Filename or Duplicate Document Number.

Check Revision

Determines the linked 3D file for each draft file found, then marks the files where there is a mismatch between the revision of the draft and 3D files. This command is helpful for identifying situations where the draft and 3D files will be imported into separate Teamcenter Item Revisions when the intention is to import them into the same item revision.

In Solid Edge SP, the command validates the Solid Edge SP-StatusNr and Solid Edge SP URL columns.

Remove String

Deletes the defined string from each of the cells in the spreadsheet.

In Solid Edge SP, you can specify the column number or you can specify the column by alphabetic character.


Creates a text file for exporting. The file contains all documents in the list.

SE Misc


Synchronizes legacy standard parts with generated Teamcenter standard parts. You have the option to indicate if you have CAD partner standard parts installed.

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Displays the version number of the Solid Edge data preparation tools.

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