Analysis Template

The Analysis Template, datapreputilitiestemplate.xlsm, contains tools for manipulating unmanaged data in preparation for importing it into a managed environment. The default location of the Analysis Template, datapreputilitiestemplate.xlsm, is \Program Files\Solid Edge ST6\Program.

You can use the Analysis Template to:

The tools for manipulating your Solid Edge files are dependent on macros being enabled. If you notice the warning,

Macros may be disabled due to your Microsoft Office security settings.


Discuss your security policy with your system administrator before making changes to your security settings.

The Analysis Template window consists of the following areas:

A: Application button

Displays the Application menu, which provides access to all document level functions, such as creating, opening, saving, and managing documents.

B: Quick Access toolbar

Displays frequently used commands. Use the Customize Quick Access Toolbar arrow on the right to display additional resources.

C, D: Ribbon with commands grouped on tabs

The ribbon is the area that contains all application commands. The commands are organized into functional groups on tabs. Some tabs are available only in certain contexts.

Some command buttons contain split buttons, corner buttons, check boxes, and other controls that display submenus and palettes.

E: Formula bar

The formula bar contains the name box and the formula box. You can adjust the size of both the name box and the formula box to make it easier to view and edit a long formula or large amount of text in a cell.

F: Spreadsheet

An Excel spreadsheet that displays the results of a file analysis performed on unmanaged documents. Define any custom properties prior to running the Analyze tool.


In the Teamcenter worksheet, the column headings for columns A (Path) through L (Last Saved Version) are required and should not be edited or removed.

In the Solid Edge SP worksheet, the column headings for columns A (Path) through S (Solid Edge SP URL) are required and should not be edited or removed.

The following are a few of the column headings used in the spreadsheet:


Displays the full path of the folder containing your analyzed files.


Displays the existing file name of the analyzed file.

New Path

Defines a new folder location for the processed file.

New Filename

Defines a new file name for use in conjunction with copy.


Marks the file for deletion using the X in conjunction with the Delete Documents Marked By X command.

Document Number

Displays the document number that will be imported into the managed environment.


For Solid Edge SP, a value of "-" causes the Modify utility to ignore this cell.


Displays the revision that will be imported into the managed environment.

Project Name

Displays the project name that will be imported into the managed environment.

Teamcenter Item Type

Displays the Teamcenter Item Type property. The Teamcenter Item Type string is localized and it is case-sensitive.


Only modify the column header for this column if localizing outside of English. This is a custom property and is case-sensitive.

Part Type

Defines the Part Type in conjunction with Standard Parts analysis when preparing the files for Teamcenter.


Displays the original import time of documents if they have already been imported into the Teamcenter database.


Displays the original import time of documents if they have already been imported into the Share Point database.

Last Saved Version

Displays the version of the file analyzed.

Solid Edge SP-StatusNr

Displays the object status.

Solid Edge SP URL

Displays the URL of the Share Point folder.


The Author property from the unmanaged file maps to the SharePoint Created By property. If the user specified as Author is not available in SharePoint, the current user is listed in the Created By property.

G: Status bar

Provides fast access to view-control commands--normal, page layout, and page break preview. Also contains the zoom slider.

Use the zoom slider to zoom in and out of the spreadsheet.


For Solid Edge SP, a value of - (hyphen) in the following cells causes the Modify utility to ignore the cells:

  • Document Number

  • Part Content Type

  • Revision Content Type

  • Content Type

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