Rename files using the Analyze data preparation utility

Following file analysis, you may find that existing unmanaged files need to be renamed, either to separate the file name and revision number (as is the case with files from Insight), or due to other circumstances. The following procedure describes the steps for using the data preparation utilities to rename unmanaged files before importing them into a Teamcenter-managed environment.

  1. Perform a file analysis of unmanaged Solid Edge files using the option to Analyze Files From Specified Folder.

    When the analysis completes, the Analysis Report spreadsheet displays the results. The spreadsheet contains rows and columns of cells for correcting or confirming the data prior to importing it into Teamcenter.

  2. In the New Filename column, click the cell corresponding to file you want to rename. Enter the new file name and extension in the cell.


    If your existing file name contains both a document number and a revision, choose SE Data Prep tab→Populate group→Split Filename, and define a delimiter for separating the two values. Then choose SE Data Prep tab→Populate group→Split Filename→Doc Num to File to create the new file name.

  3. In the New Path column, click the cell corresponding to file you are renaming, and specify the location for the new file created during this process.


    You can copy and paste the location from the Path column on the spreadsheet.

  4. Define the Teamcenter Item Type for the file.

    The Item Type, Item, is case-sensitive.

  5. Remove all dashes from the spreadsheet cells by choosing SE Final Check tab→Remove group.

    In the String box, specify the dash (-) as the character to replace.

    Click Remove.


    This function affects the entire spreadsheet, not just the active cell, row, or column of the spreadsheet.

  6. Close and save the spreadsheet.

    You are prompted to save the spreadsheet to a new name on the Save As dialog box.

    Save the spreadsheet to an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (.xlsm) in the same location as your dataset.

  7. Choose Start→Programs→Solid Edge ST6→Data Preparation→Modify.

  8. Browse to the location of the spreadsheet you defined in Step 6 and click Process.

    The utility copies the original file to the new file name you specified.


    Processing time depends upon the number of files identified in the spreadsheet.

  9. Once processing is complete, click Cancel to dismiss the Modify Files dialog box.

  10. Reopen your analysis spreadsheet.

    The tools for manipulating your Solid Edge files are dependent on macros being enabled. If you notice the warning,

    macros may be disabled due to your Microsoft Office security settings. Click Options→Enable this Content to enable macros.


    Discuss your security policy with your system administrator before making changes to your security settings.

  11. Mark the original files for deletion by entering an X in the Delete column of each file copied to a new file name.

  12. Choose SE Data Prep tab→File Utilities group→Delete Marked.


    This action is performed immediately on the unmanaged files on disk.

    Dismiss the notification that files have been deleted.

  13. Exit the spreadsheet.

    You do not need to save the changes to the spreadsheet.

  14. Choose Start→Programs→Solid Edge ST6→Data Preparation→Link Fix-Up to repair the broken links created when you renamed the files.


    If you are correcting broken links in Solid Edge files created prior to the Solid Edge ST release, click Activate Pre-ST Link Fix-Up, locate the folder containing the Solid Edge files, select the check boxes that correspond to your document types, and define the scope.

    In the Link Fix-Up dialog box, browse for the spreadsheet you defined in Step 6.

    Your analyze information may span across multiple worksheets in Excel.

    Select the worksheet that contains the link replacement information.

    Click OK to run the utility.

    The length of time required for processing depends on the number of files analyzed.

  15. When the Link Fix-Up has finished processing, click Cancel to dismiss the Link Fix-Up dialog box.

The documents have been renamed and the links re-established. You are ready to import the files into Teamcenter using Add to Teamcenter.

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