Within Solid Edge, there are two methods for creating revisions of a Solid Edge document:
Direct document revisions
In-context revisions
For both direct document revisions and in-context revisions, Solid Edge searches the managed library for existing revisions. You can create a new revision or use an existing revision.
Direct document revisions create revisions of the active document. You can choose Application button→Manage→Revisions for direct document revisions. Direct document revisions create revisions of Solid Edge part, sheet metal, assembly, or draft files. For example, if you used the Revisions command to revise an open draft file, Solid Edge:
Searches the managed library for existing revisions.
Enables you to create a new revision or open an existing revision.
Enables you to create a new revision of the draft file.
Provides you the opportunity to specify a folder or URL for the new item and item revision.
The same item can exist in multiple folders.
Opens the new revised document, making it the active document.
Closes the original document without saving it.
You cannot create direct document revisions when you are in-place editing a managed document.
With in-context revisions, you select components within an assembly and either replace the component with an existing revision or create a new revision for the component. To do this, right-click a component at the current level within an assembly and select Revisions from the shortcut menu. For example, if you used the Revisions command on a part within an assembly, Solid Edge:
Automatically searches for existing revisions.
Enables you to right-click an existing revision and select the Replace command from the shortcut menu to replace the selected component with the existing revision.
Enables you to create a new revision by creating a copy of the selected component and replacing it with the new revision of the document.
You cannot select components in a subassembly for revision. You have to in-place edit the subassembly to make revisions to components in the subassembly.
Insight-managed documents are considered read-only in the following conditions:
The document is checked out by another user.
The user has a Reader role in the folder where the document resides.
The document status is set to Baselined, Released, In Work, or Obsolete.
When you attempt to revise a document that is read-only, the Read Only dialog box is displayed. For direct document revisions, you can open the document as read-only, open or create a revision of the selected document, or cancel the operation. For in-context revisions, you can open the document as read-only, replace the document with a new or existing revision of the selected document, or cancel the operation. For direct document revisions, you can also make a copy of the selected document.
Managed direct documents opened with read-only permissions can be checked out using the Check Out command. The command verifies the active document is the most recent version, checks the file out of the library, sets the file to a writable state, and enables the Save command for you to save any in-memory file changes. This command is available in Insight and Teamcenter environments for Assembly (.asm), Part (.par), Sheet Metal (.psm), Draft (.dft), View and Markup, and Revision Manager.
The Check Out command does not transfer any files from the server since the active document is the latest version.
Revising a Teamcenter-managed document displays the Revisions dialog box. You can use the dialog box to create a new revision of the selected document or cancel the operation.
Creating a revision of a document opened read-only copies the file from disk to the new revision. The new revision has to be upload into the Teamcenter-managed database before it become your active document. Any in-memory changes must be saved before checking the new revision into the database, or they may be lost.