Add Break Lines command bar


Sets the style for the broken view lines.

Vertical Break

Specifies that the drawing view is broken vertically.

Horizontal Break

Specifies that the drawing view is broken horizontally.

Break Line Type

Specifies the break line type. You can select from the following options.

  • Straight Break

  • Cylindrical Break

  • Short Break - Linear

  • Short Break - Curved

  • Long Break

Break Gap

Sets the break gap distance between a pair of break lines when the view is displayed in the broken state. You can type a value or select a value from the list.

Height (0-1)

Specifies the height of the zig-zags or waves when the short break or long break options are selected. The value is a ratio of the break gap. You can type a value between .01 and 1.0.


If the break gap value is 10 millimeters and you set the zig-zag height to 0.5, the zig-zag height is 5 millimeters.


Specifies the pitch value of a zig-zag or a wave in the short break options. You can type a value between .01 and 1.0. The value you type is multiplied times the total length of the break line and determines the number of zig-zags.


If the total straight length of the break line is 10 millimeters, and you specify a pitch value of 0.1, then the straight length of one zig-zag is 1 millimeter and there are a total of 10 zig-zags.


Specifies the number of spikes that are displayed when you select the Long Break option.


Breaks the drawing view in the specified locations and exits the command.

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